About me

I am on a quest for better maps of the brain. A biomedical engineer by training, I got my BSc from the University of Rome “Sapienza” in 2011, followed by a MSc from the University of Rome “Roma Tre” in 2013. My PhD has been focused on multimodal brain connectivity using a combination of MRI and non-invasive stimulation, collaborating with the Italian National Institute of Health, the Santa Lucia Foundation and the University of Sussex.
After the viva voce in 2017, I joined the Centre for Medical Image Computing (CMIC) of University College London as a postdoctoral researcher to expand my horizons, focusing first on using tractography to inform surgery planning and then switching to a different project aimed at combining MRI with histology.
In 2018 I have been awarded a Sir Henry Wellcome fellowship from the Wellcome Trust for the BaMBoo project, focused on building meaningful biomarkers of myelin. In this project, I am working with Polytechnique Montreal, Cardiff University and University of Sussex. More details about my career are available on the research page.
When I am not thinking about brains, I like playing around with open-source code, travelling (at least when travelling was a thing!), reading Hacker News, looking for old videogames, and taking pictures (usually in this order). Other random/fun facts: I have two cats, I am in the very slow process of learning Portuguese and I make/bake/cook stuff.
This blog
NeuroSnippets is a blog about exploring brain data/pictures/knowledge through open-source code. That means brain stuff as well as programming and visualization more in general, but always with some interesting/curious/insane application to neuroscience.
Every post usually include snippets of code to try out, and the code is also available on the GitHub repository NeuroSnippets. NeuroSnippets is statically generated using Hugo (from this GitHub repository) and uses a customized version of the m10c theme.