“Use a container” is the new “You need a virtual machine”

I have to be sincere: the first time I heard about containers I was not impressed. It sounded like an exotic approach, and I couldn’t see why would you need that. A few years later, I have changed my mind a lot about it: not only containers can be used to create reproducible workflows, but they are also useful in several applications (taken to the extreme in some cases). In this post, I will explore the idea of using a container in a scenario where usually one would have relied on a virtual machine. If after reading this post you still think you need a virtual machine, have a look first at the amazing NeuroDesk.

The idea for this post came to me when a friend of mine reached out asking for help with a tool that I did not use in a long time: FIX. For those of you who are not familiar with it, it’s a collateral tool to FSL that can be used to automatically classify the independent components estimated from fMRI data using melodic. To tailor this classification problem, the tool itself can be used for training the classifier on a dataset of interest. My friend, who has just started in the neuroimaging world, was struggling to get it running in a virtual machine. After a bit of remote testing and several error messages, I had an idea: why not just using a container? Here I will show the Dockerfile I came up with and how it can be used not only to run FIX, but also any FSL tool. Both the Dockerfile and the related script are on the NeuroSnippets repository.

A few hours of trial-and-error later…

I will not lie: making a Dockerimage for an articulated piece of software is not easy. And FIX is for sure articulated: it combines bash, R and matlab/octave. It is an interesting implementation of the proverb “With great power there must also come great responsibility” in software. As a result of these multimodal dependencies, making a container out of it can take time. In my case, I think it was a few hours of trial-and-error, but once it is done, you cannot break it anymore (unless you have the unfortunate idea of touching it again). So let’s have a look at the sections of the Dockerfile.

The starting point is picking a base image. Let’s start from a user-friendly GNU/Linux distro, and with a stable, supported version – we will go with Ubuntu Bionic Beaver. This first block in the Dockerfile will take care of pulling this image and install the fundamental stuff (e.g. zip/unzip to handle archives, wget to download files, etc.):

FROM ubuntu:bionic-20201119

# Install fundamental packages
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
    lsb-core \
    bsdtar \
    zip \
    unzip \
    gzip \
    curl \
    jq \
    wget \
    python-pip \
    software-properties-common && \
    rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/*

Next on the list is R. An important thing to do before installing r-core and the related packages is to set up the locale settings (mostly timezone and character encoding), otherwise we would be prompted to insert those from the keyboard and we would be stuck. Another important thing is to make sure to get the right version of each package, and to handle the dependencies. Luckily, the FIX documentation is quite detailed about it. Here it goes:

# Download and install R and necessary packages

ENV TZ=Europe/Rome
RUN ln -snf /usr/share/zoneinfo/$TZ /etc/localtime && echo $TZ > /etc/timezone && \
    apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends r-base r-cran-devtools \
        libblas-dev liblapack-dev gfortran r-cran-catools r-cran-gplots g++ && \
    rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/* && \
    Rscript -e 'require(devtools); install_version("kernlab", version="0.9-24")' && \
    Rscript -e 'require(devtools); install_version("ROCR", version="1.0-7")' && \
    Rscript -e 'require(devtools); install_version("class", version="7.3-14")' && \
    Rscript -e 'require(devtools); install_version("mvtnorm", version="1.0-8")' && \
    Rscript -e 'require(devtools); install_version("multcomp", version="1.4-8")' && \
    Rscript -e 'require(devtools); install_version("coin", version="1.2-2")' && \
    Rscript -e 'require(devtools); install_version("party", version="1.0-25")' && \
    Rscript -e 'require(devtools); install_version("e1071", version="1.6-7")' && \
    Rscript -e 'require(devtools); install_version("randomForest", version="4.6-12")'

It is time for FIX! It is mainly a matter of downloading it and unpacking it where we want it to be (I opted for /opt for no specific reason):

# Download and install FIX

RUN wget -v http://www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/~steve/ftp/fix.tar.gz && \
    mkdir -p /tmp/fix && \
    cd /tmp/fix && \
    tar zxvf /fix.tar.gz --exclude="compiled/Darwin/" && \
    mv /tmp/fix/fix* /opt/fix && \
    rm /fix.tar.gz && \
    cd / && \
    rm -rf /tmp/* /var/tmp/*

ENV PATH "$PATH:/opt/fix"

Next on the list is Matlab Compiler Runtime. As for the R packages, one needs to pay attention to the specific version required and download that one, and also once again avoid interactive steps:

# Download and install Matlab Compiler Runtime

RUN wget https://ssd.mathworks.com/supportfiles/downloads/R2017b/deployment_files/R2017b/installers/glnxa64/MCR_R2017b_glnxa64_installer.zip && \
    mkdir /opt/mcr && mkdir /mcr-install && cd mcr-install && \
    unzip /MCR_R2017b_glnxa64_installer.zip && \
    rm -rf /MCR_R2017b_glnxa64_installer.zip && \
    ./install -destinationFolder /opt/mcr -agreeToLicense yes -mode silent && \
    cd / && rm -rf mcr-install


We are at the last chunk! Here we will be installing FSL from the NeuroDebian repository, in particular fsl-core and fsl-atlases, but also OpenJDK (otherwise mcr will complain). After setting all the FSL-related variables, we will add a non-root user (I mean, we don’t need to be root to process fMRI data, so let’s just use a normal user as we would do in a real machine):

# Download and install FSL 5 + OpenJDK

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y dirmngr && \
    wget -O- http://neuro.debian.net/lists/bionic.de-fzj.full | \
    tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/neurodebian.sources.list && \
    apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver hkp://pool.sks-keyservers.net:80 0xA5D32F012649A5A9 && \
    apt-get update && apt-get install -y fsl-core fsl-atlases openjdk-8-jdk && \
    rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/*

# Configure FSL environment
ENV FSLDIR=/usr/share/fsl/5.0
ENV PATH=/usr/lib/fsl/5.0:$PATH
ENV POSSUMDIR=/usr/share/fsl/5.0
ENV FSLTCLSH=/usr/bin/tclsh
ENV FSLWISH=/usr/bin/wish

# Add non-root user

RUN useradd --create-home --shell /bin/bash fsluser
USER fsluser
WORKDIR /home/fsluser
ENV USER=fsluser

And the Dockerfile is complete! Now it is a matter of building and tagging it. As I was planning to upload it to DockerHub, I included also my username in the tag:

docker build -t ingmatman/fslfix:latest .

This will take a while, and if you pay attention to the output you can glimpse signs of each step we wrote. Since I have already built and uploaded this image, if you do not want to play with it or do not need to change anything, you can instead pull the whole thing from DockerHub:

docker pull ingmatman/fslfix:latest

And the size is… 9.43GB! That’s big! But once you realise that you have the whole FSL (including the atlases), FIX, R and mcr in there, it does not look that big anymore. After all, we are doing this to avoid using a virtual machine, and a virtual machine probably would have taken that much space.

Welcome to the Machine

So now we can use a container to run FIX. To test it, we need some data. As sample data, I have chosen the Midnight Scan Club dataset (you gotta love the almost speakeasy name) shared by Evan Gordon and colleagues on OpenNeuro. As usual, this dataset can be easily downloaded through DataLad:

datalad install https://github.com/OpenNeuroDatasets/ds000224.git

datalad get -J 4 ds000224/sub-MSC01/ses-*01/

As we will be using as a test just the resting-state data (and the related T1-weighted volume) from the first subject, let’s copy those files in a single folder to make things easier in a bit:

mkdir fixdata

cp ds000224/sub-MSC01/ses-func01/func/sub-MSC01_ses-func01_task-rest_bold.nii.gz fixdata/sub01_func_rs.nii.gz

cp ds000224/sub-MSC01/ses-struct01/anat/sub-MSC01_ses-struct01_run-01_T1w.nii.gz fixdata/sub01_anat_t1w.gz

So now we can preprocess the data. One way to do it is through the GUI in Melodic:

docker run --net="host" --env="DISPLAY" -v="$HOME/.Xauthority:/home/fsluser/.Xauthority:rw" \
    -v="$HOME/fixdata:/home/fsluser/data:rw" ingmatman/fslfix bash -c "Melodic"

We have just done two important things:

  1. we mounted the file .Xauthority from the host in the container – this will actually make possible to see the GUI running in the container;

  2. we mounted the data folder from the host in the container.

Although the .Xauthority trick works in Linux, in macOS and in Windows you actually need to install an X server – more details are available in this post. Once we have completed the configuration for the preprocessing, we can either save the configuration in fsf format or run it directly. I would suggest to save it and then run it using melodic (as done here), since the GUI will remain open (and therefore the container will keep running) even after the preprocessing has finished, while running just melodic design.fsf terminates once the preprocessing is done. As I have already prepared the configuration file, we can just copy it where we need it and then proceed:

cp design.fsf fixdata/

docker run --net="host" --env="DISPLAY" -v="$HOME/.Xauthority:/home/fsluser/.Xauthority:rw" \
    -v="$HOME/fixdata:/home/fsluser/data:rw" ingmatman/fslfix bash -c "melodic data/design.fsf"

Since the output folder is shared between the container and the host, we can keep track of what is happening in a browser through the report_log.html file. Once the preprocessing is done, we are ready to use FIX:

docker run --net="host" --env="DISPLAY" -v="$HOME/.Xauthority:/home/fsluser/.Xauthority:rw" \
    -v="$HOME/fixdata:/home/fsluser/data:rw" ingmatman/fslfix bash -c "fix data/results.ica /opt/fix/training_files/Standard.RData 20"

That’s it! One final note: a good habit is to set up an entry point for the container, so one doesn’t have to worry about additional stuff to remember. However, in this case I omitted that on purpose: here you have the whole FSL in there, and you can run any of its tools, as you would do in a virtual machine.

Useful references